Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Amazing Grace!

Arrangements have been finalized to show AMAZING GRACE at the inaugural Projecting Hope Film Festival. Chuck Colson, Founder, Prison Fellowship Ministries, says this: "A brilliant and powerful presentation of one of the most moving moments in modern history. William Wilberforce is the model and hero of my life. I was thrilled to the bone watching this "amazing" movie. No Christian should miss this film."

Ioan Gruffudd (Blackhawk Down) plays Wilberforce, who, as a Member of Parliament, navigated the world of 18th Century backroom politics to end the slave trade in the British Empire. Albert Finney plays John Newton (composer of the song Amazing Grace), a confidante of Wilberforce who inspires him to pursue a life of service to humanity. Benedict Cumberbatch is William Pitt the Younger, England's youngest ever Prime Minister at the age of 24, who encourages his friend Wilberforce to take up the fight to outlaw slavery and supports him in his struggles in Parliament.Elected to the House of Commons at the age of 21, and on his way to a successful political career, Wilberforce, over the course of two decades, took on the English establishment and persuaded those in power to end the inhumane trade of slavery.

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